2023-2024 Course Catalog

Asheville, NC 28801

Phone: 857 891-3550

This catalog is a guideline of what Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy expects from its students. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy reserves the right to modify its policies based on changes in accreditation requirements, state, and federal laws or for any other reason at the discretion of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy. Changes will be made with the approval of the appropriate regulatory authority.

All students should review this document. The student should be aware that some information in the catalog may change. It is recommended that students considering enrolling visit the Admissions Office to determine if there has been a change from the information provided in the catalog.

Table of Contents

The School 5

Introduction. 5

Mission Statement 5

Core Values. 5

Approvals. 5

State Licensing. 5

Faculty & Staff 5

Facilities & Equipment 5

Admissions. 6

School Admission Requirements. 6

Admission Procedure. 6

Non-Discrimination Policy. 6

Services to Students with Disabilities. 7

Transfer Students. 8

Financial Policy for Transfer Students. 8

Readmission. 9

Orientation. 9

Class Start Dates. 10

Holiday Schedule. 10

School Closings. 10

Class Schedules. 11

Program.. 11

Normal Time to Complete. 11

Course Objectives. 12

Postsecondary School Activities. 12

Program Format 12

Evaluating Program Success. 12

Graduation Requirements. 12

Curriculum.. 13

Barbering: 1528 Clock Hours. 14

Career Options. 14

Course Description. 14

Course Objective. 14

Instructional Methods. 14

Curriculum Breakdown. 14

Grading. 15

Costs. 16

Program Charges. 16

Payment Schedule (Self-Pay) 16

Late Fees. 17

Methods of Payment 17

Institutional Scholarships. 17

Extra Instructional Charges. 17

State Board Licensing Fee. 18

Kit/Textbook Policy. 18

Institutional Refund Policy. 19

Satisfactory Academic Progress. 20

Attendance Standard (Quantitative Measure) 21

Academic Standard (Qualitative Measure) 21

Review & Evaluation Periods. 22

Re-establishment of Satisfactory Academic Progress. 23

Interruptions, Course Incompletes, Withdrawals. 23

Appeal Procedure. 23

Non-credit and Remedial Courses. 24

Transfer Hours. 24

School Policies. 24

Attendance. 24

Tardiness. 25

Absences. 25

Saturday Attendance. 26

Extra Hours/Make-Up Hours. 26

Make-Up Work. 26

Time Clock Guidelines & Corrections. 26

Lunches. 27

Advising/Housing/School Library. 27

Student Parking. 28

Employment Placement 28

Video/Photographing. 28

Social Media Guidelines. 28

Copyright Infringement Policy. 29

Constitution Day. 29

Voter Registration Policy. 29

Vaccination Policy. 29

Harassment Policy. 29

Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedures. 30

Student Complaint/Grievance Policy. 30

Record Retention Policy. 31

File Access & Information Release/FERPA. 32

Health & Safety Exemption Requirement 33

Right to Change. 33

Official Withdrawals. 33

Suspension/Termination. 34

Relief, Refund and Reinstatement 34

Students Rights, Responsibilities & Privileges. 34

Infraction Policy. 35

Faculty Accessibility Policy. 36

Student Code of Conduct 36

Rules & Regulations. 37

Consumer Information/Right-To-Know. 39

General Consumer Information. 39

Misrepresentation Policy of Truth & Candor 40

Physical Demands/Safety. 40

State Licensing. 40

Campus Security Act Information. 40

Drug Prevention Policy. 41

Contact Information/Resources. 42

The School


Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy originally opened its doors on June 4, 2023. The school is conveniently located at downtown Asheville, NC. It provides a dedicated barbering program serving the northeast TN and northwest NC areas.

Mission Statement

Our mission at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is to provide students with a top-quality education while instilling a level of professionalism and skill that will provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. Our motto is enter to learn, depart to serve.

Our program offering is consistent with our Mission Statement.

Core Values

Through its policies, procedures, and daily operations in the fulfillment of its mission, Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy exemplifies the following values:

  • The worth and dignity of all people Honesty, integrity and excellence Exemplary teaching and effective learning
  • Access and opportunity while maintaining quality Skill preparation to work and live in a global economy Diversity in every aspect of its culture
  • Community partnerships and continuous growth

Our program offerings are consistent with our Core Values.


Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy has approval from the North Carolina State Board of Barber Examiners

State Licensing

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is licensed by the North Carolina State Board of Barber Examiners

Faculty & Staff

Craig Charles


Lorenzo Lewis


Facilities & Equipment

The school occupies approximately 2,200 square feet of facilities that include a spacious clinic floor with working stations where supervised students are able to work on clients and a classroom for theory that also works as a student breakroom when classes are not in session. These facilities are well equipped with training equipment to aid students in mastering the barbering program they are enrolled in. Students will use Milady textbooks.

The building also houses an office, two restrooms, a dispensary, and a storage area. The office is available for private advising as well as administrative activities.


School Admission Requirements

  1. Valid photo I.D. (Driver’s License or State I.D.)
  2. High School/GED, or equivalent
  3. Completed enrollment application
  4. Transfer Credit for Hours (if applicable)
  5. Non-refundable application fee of $300
  6. The applicant must provide:
  • Completed enrollment application
  • Copy of driver’s license or state identification
  • Copy of high school diploma or GED

The institution does not admit Ability-To-Benefit students.

Admission Procedure

Applicants should contact the school to schedule an appointment for an interview and tour of the facility. During this visit, the applicant will receive the application form and enrollment questionnaire as well as more detailed information about the school and the barbering program offered.

To apply for admission, the student must submit a completed application and enrolment questionnaire, the non-refundable $300 application fee, and the required documentation listed under our Admissions Requirements (proof of age, proof of education, social security card (or green card/student visa), and 2×2 visa photo).

The school accepts applications between 10:30AM and 4:30PM Tuesday through Friday.

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will only accept students that we determine can complete and benefit from the barbering program of study. Students accepted by the school will be contacted by the Director or the staff via the phone number provided on the application form. At this time, a meeting will be set up to sign the Enrollment Agreement and other required documents.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, color, ethnic origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ancestry. The school does not allow or tolerate discrimination of any kind, bullying, harassment, or hazing of any sort. If any student of faculty member experiences or witnesses anyone being bullied, harassed, or hazed in any way, he/she is required to report the matter to the school’s director immediately so appropriate action can be taken.

Services to Students with Disabilities

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is responsible for ensuring that students with disabilities are provided Reasonable Accommodations that meet their corresponding needs (academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and services). Student requests for accommodation will be considered under the Reasonable Accommodation Policy and in Compliance with the ADA as amended and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 without discrimination. The need for Reasonable Accommodations depends upon the student’s disability and is determined by the needs of the student, documentation from the student, and documentation from appropriate professionals. The determination of what specific accommodations will be provided will be based upon evaluation of the individual Student’s documentation, personal needs, and academic requirements. A Student’s Reasonable Accommodation may be subject to review and adjustment from time to time.

The Director of the school is generally designated as the Disability Compliance Coordinator. All requests for Reasonable Accommodation Forms should be submitted to the Disability Compliance Coordinator. Depending on the requested accommodation, the Disability Compliance Coordinator and the Director of the school can approve the Reasonable accommodation. Any qualified individual with a disability requesting an accommodation or auxiliary aid or service should follow this procedure:

  1. Students must meet admissions qualifications and be able to perform all items on the Essential Function Form (which can be found in the Admissions Office) with or without reasonable accommodations.
  2. Self-identify as a student with a disability.
  3. Complete the Request for Reasonable Accommodation and provide documentation.
  4. Follow established procedures for requesting accommodations.
  5. Request accommodations in a timely manner by meeting with the Director.
  6. Notify the Director if there are difficulties securing accommodations or with the quality or effectiveness of the accommodations provided.
  7. File an appeal if a Request for Reasonable Accommodation is denied within 10 days of its denial if you disagree with the denial.

Note: Receiving services or accommodations at the high school level, at another college or university, or from a testing agency does not necessarily mean that Uplift Barber and  Beauty Academy will conclude that the student is disabled and/or agree to provide the student with the same services or accommodations received at other educational institutions or agencies.

The above numbered procedure lays out the responsibilities of the student. The responsibilities of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy include ensuring that programs, services, and activities are accessible, exploring and providing appropriate reasonable accommodations that maintain the academic integrity of the program, communicating with the student with a disability about reasonable accommodations, and ensuring that all information will be maintained and used in accordance with applicable confidentiality requirements.

Transfer Students

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy does not recruit students who are already enrolled in a similar program at another institution, but there are circumstances in which we do accept students transferring in hours from other schools. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will consider a student’s appeal for enrollment with transfer hours. Any appeal made by the potential transfer student will be reviewed by the Director. Determination of any appeals will be made within 30 days of the request for enrollment with transfer hours.

The complete and official Record of Instruction from the previous school must be received by Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy prior to the appeal. Also, an arrangement of payment must be made prior to the appeal.

Transfer hours accepted by Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy are applied to the total number of hours necessary to complete the program and are considered both attempted and completed hours for the purpose of determining when the allowable maximum time frame has been exhausted. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) evaluations are based on actual contracted hours at the institution.

The number of transfer hours accepted by Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will be based on an evaluation of a certified transcript provided by the former educational facility as well as an evaluation of the student’s comprehension of the course material. After the certified official transcript is received, the student will be contacted via the phone number provided on their application to set up a time with the Director or other staff to conduct the evaluation. The student will be informed via both phone call and official letter of the results of the evaluation and the number of transfer hours officially accepted by Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy.

Any coursework, diplomas, or certificates completed at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is transferable to another institution at the sole discretion of the accepting institution.

Financial Policy for Transfer Students

For students completing less than the course-required hours of instruction at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy, the following payment schedule will apply:

  • All students will be charged a non-refundable application fee of $300.00.
  • All students will be required to purchase a kit and textbooks from Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy.
  • For students completing 70% or more of the hours required for the program at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy, full tuition fees and costs will apply. (1125+ hours for barbering)
  • For any hours required less than that, the hourly rate charged will be: $13.00/hour for barbering.


Re-admittance for any student may occur no sooner than 30 calendar days from the date the student officially or unofficially withdrew (or was withdrawn) from the program, or the Last Day of Attendance (LDA), whichever is most recent. Any request for re-enrollment will be reviewed by the Director and Head Instructor. Determination of any request for re-enrollment will be made within 14 days of request for enrollment. At the time of request for re-enrollment, the students’ account balance must be in a current status, and the student must submit a game-plan prior to re-admittance request to address the specific behaviors that will allow them to successfully complete the program if readmitted. All students approved for re-entry will enter in the same Satisfactory Academic Progress status as at time of withdrawal.

Students who re-enroll may be evaluated scholastically in the same manner as a transfer student to determine the number of hours accepted as completed by the institution. Re-entry students will be contacted by the Director if an evaluation is necessary, and the student will then be notified of the results of that evaluation via phone and official letter.

If a student is re-enrolled at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy after 180 days from their last date of attendance, they will be contracted for the current tuition fees and costs and enter into a new payment period. If a student re-enrolls within 180 days of their last date of attendance, the student will be enrolled under their original contract costs and enter into the same payment period and Satisfactory Academic Progress standing as they were in when they withdrew/terminated. Please note that a student cannot receive more than the max amount of Pell in an award year.


All new students are required to attend orientation. Orientation will be held the Monday before class starts. Students are each given a hard copy of the Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy Catalog/Handbook at this time. During orientation, the faculty member will go over various aspects of the school catalog/handbook, school policies, rules and regulations, the student code of conduct, attendance and leave of absence policies, graduation and licensing information, and other policies affecting and services available to the students.

Class Start Dates

Depending on demand for the schedule class offered, start dates may be changed per Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy’s discretion.

A new class is scheduled to begin each month on the first Tuesday with orientation on Monday. Applications for each class start date are typically 17 calendar days before the class start date, though some exceptions may be made.

Holiday Schedule

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will observe and close for the following holidays if they fall within our regularly scheduled days of operations:

  • Teacher In-Service: First Tuesday of March, June, and September
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Only evening classes will be cancelled on Halloween
  • Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday and the Saturday following Black Friday
  • Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the ENTIRE week following Christmas
    • First day back is January 4th of the next year


School Closings

In the event that Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy must close or operate on a delay due to inclement weather or any other emergency, students will be made aware through an announcement. Students may find the announcements regarding closures or delays on their message board in Prestige. All students are provided with login information for Prestige. Posting the announcement will occur no later than 6:00AM. Students are encouraged to continue checking the announcements in the event that a delay could be updated to a closure if conditions change. It is up to students to use their best judgment concerning driving conditions. In the event of a delay or closure, no clock hours will be accrued and the hours will be removed from the student’s schedule.

Text and Email Notification Program

Communication of any emergency notification may include any or all of the following options: email, messaging, emergency phone alert system, college website, verbal communication, posted notices in buildings and/or local media. Regular updates and notifications will be sent in the same and/or additional methods as the original message. One of the ways Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy communicates with students is through the Prestige system. All students and employees have access to this system and each profile has a message board as well the ability to send out text messages to all students and employees.

All employees and students are encouraged to check their message boards on Prestige every day. Text alerts will be sent out regarding safety and announcements required by unforeseen circumstances; including, but not limited to, school closures from weather.  All students are placed in the Prestige system and given access to their student profile the first day of attendance. All information is included in the Catalog, the school website, and below.

Each year, at least one test of the Prestige message board and test alerts will occur. Additional tests may be announced for awareness and to assure the efficacy of the program.

Class Schedules

These schedules, rules regarding lunch, and rules regarding changing schedules are applicable to student’s starting classes on or after our February class start date:

Day Program: Tuesday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm

Evening Program: Tue., Wed., Thu. 3:00pm – 9:00pm; Sat. 9:00am – 3:00pm

Total Hours Per Week: 32

Total Weeks: 60

LUNCHES – Breaks are scheduled at the discretion of the school staff.

Full-time students receive a 30-minute lunch each day. Part-Time students receive a 30-minute lunch on 6-hour days and two 10-minute breaks on days less than 6 hours.

CHANGING SCHEDULES – To change your enrollment status (from full-time to part-time or vice versa) is $100.00, the change must be requested on an enrollment status change form. This form can be requested from the Director or a Compliance Manager. We will consider the student’s current standing in school, student availability, as well as class schedule availability when considering enrollment status change requests.


Normal Time to Complete

Students should have a reasonable expectation of the time it should take to complete a program in order to plan and budget accordingly. Program lengths for full-time and part-time schedules are stated in weeks and include estimated days the school is closed for holidays, inclement weather and a limited number of days scheduled to allow students to make up missed work. The normal time to complete is based on an evaluation of student records.

FULL-TIME: 60 weeks

PART-TIME: 91 weeks

Barbering Course: 1528 hours (1910 hours maximum time allowed)

Course Objectives

The course offered by Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is designed to provide a sound educational basis to maximize the employability of its graduates. The objective of all courses offered consists of the following:

  • To build a solid foundation of education and technical skills
  • To provide opportunities for supervised practical work
  • To fulfill all State Board requirements
  • To help the student become a successful individual in the field of choice

These courses are designed to prepare students for State Board Licensing examinations. All courses offer training skills and their practical applications to prepare graduates for entry level employment in the field of the course taken.

Postsecondary School Activities

At the administration’s discretion there are occasionally sponsored educational program activities scheduled for students including but not limited to:

  • Field trips
  • Career opportunity speeches
  • Demonstrations from workers in the beauty industry

The school does not offer telecommunication activities outside of atypical circumstances (example: COVID-19).

Program Format

Courses will be a combination of lecture, demonstration, practice session, and student clinic practice. Instruction will be supplemented by guest speakers, visual aids, and other instructional techniques.

Our program is taught in English, and all information concerning these programs is offered in English.

Evaluating Program Success

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy requests feedback at least annually from current students, graduates, and an advisory committee to better improve the programs offered. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy staff meet annually to evaluate feedback and implement an improvement plan, if applicable.

Graduation Requirements

Following completion of the following, students will receive a Certificate of Graduation.

  • Completion of the required hours of training
  • Completion of curriculum requirements (including all performances, theory tests, & exit exams)
  • Completion of State Board Practical mock examinations (or mini-board examinations for Instructor courses)
  • Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the school unless other written arrangements are made
  • Completion of all exit paperwork and an exit interview

Upon completion of all course requirements, successful completion of the North Carolina Barber Examination is required to obtain a license to practice.


Our course is designed to prepare our students to take the exam for licensure in the professional field they have chosen. In addition to assisting the students obtain licensure, the course is designed to prepare graduates for entry-level employment by providing a sound educational basis that will allow them to excel in the beauty industry. The course reflects our philosophy, purpose, and mission to provide students with a top-quality education and to instill in them the level of professionalism and skill that will prepare them for employment and allow them to excel in the beauty industry.

Our course conforms to the state, federal and manufacturing standards of training for the occupational fields for which students are being prepared. The relevant licenses and approval letters for our program was included as attachments to our original application. We also included course outlines with curriculum breakdowns and the relevant state curriculum requirements for each course (if applicable) as attachments to that application. We teach our programs using Milady Textbooks and instructional materials in order to ensure industry standards are met.

Students are evaluated bi-monthly on attendance, academic, and practical learning in the form of report cards. Students meet with a faculty member in order to view and discuss their attendance and academic percentages. The student signs and dates the report card, and if a request is made for a copy, one is provided for them.

Students are formally evaluated periodically throughout the course with a Satisfactory Academic Progress Report. Each student is evaluated on both a Quantitative Measure (attendance standard) and a Qualitative Measure (academic standard). The academic standard includes both academic (theory) and practical learning. The periods that students will be evaluated and the requirements of our Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (including information on probation, dismissal, etc.) can be found within our catalog.

We are constantly reviewing and evaluating the quality of the program of instruction. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy requests feedback at least annually from current students, graduates, and an advisory committee to better improve the programs offered. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy faculty and staff meet at least once annually to evaluate this feedback as well as the programs themselves (ensuring they are relevant and current). During these meetings, we create a summary of feedback from students, graduates, and the advisory committee and implement an improvement plan if deemed necessary based on feedback and evaluation. This summary and the resulting improvement plan are documented on a Summary of Feedback Form and held with the relevant annual feedback.

Each student admitted to the school receives individual instruction, exposure to technical skills, and an opportunity for supervised work with the public. Our curriculum, designed by Milady, involves discussion, question and answer, demonstration, cooperative learning, problem solving, interactive lecture, individualized instruction, classroom presentation, and student salon activities. Instruction is supplemented with guest speakers, visual aids, and other instructional techniques.

Barbering: 1528 Clock Hours

Career Options

Career opportunities for those graduating from a nail technology course include nail technologist at a salon, day spa, resort spa, or home salon, nail technologist instructor, salon owner, etc.

Course Description

A study of the basic principles of Barbering with an understanding of chemistry of the nails, skin and the products used in performing barbering services. Our barbering program features massaging, hair treatments, hair coloring and recognition of hair and scalp disorders.

Course Objective

To train the student in the basic manipulative skills, safety judgments, good work habits, and positive attitudes necessary to obtain licensure and competency in an entry-level position in the field and to provide the nail technology industry with well-qualified and responsible employees.

Instructional Methods

Courses will be a combination of lecture, demonstration, practice session, and student clinic practice. Instruction will be supplemented by guest speakers, visual aids, and other instructional techniques.

Curriculum Breakdown

  1. Classroom Lecture and Study Periods: 380 Clock Hours
    1. Hygiene and Good Grooming, Professional Ethics: 25
    2. Bacteriology, Sterilization, Sanitation; 50
    3. Implements, Honing, Stropping and Shaving: 30
    4. Men’s Haircutting: 20
    5. Cutting and Styling Curly Hair, Mustaches, and Beards: 10
    6. Shampooing and Rinsing, Scalp and Hair Treatments: 10
    7. Theory of Massage and Facial Treatments: 5
    8. Men’s Razor Cutting, Women’s Razor and Shear Cutting: 30
    9. Finger Waving Men’s Hair, Air Waving and Curling Iron Techniques: 5
    10. Permanent Waving for Men, Chemical Hair Relaxing and Blow Dying: 25
    11. Hair Coloring: 10
    12. Men’s Hair Pieces: 5
    13. The Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Nails: 30
    14. Disorders Therapy, Light Therapy and Chemistry: 15
    15. Anatomy and Physiology: 10
    16. Electricity Therapy, Light Therapy and Chemistry: 10
    17. Barber Styling, Shop Management, and Product Knowledge: 70
    18. Licensing Laws and Rules and History of Barbering: 20
  2. Supervised Practice in Barbering: 875 Clock Hours
    1. Shampooing and Scientific Hair and Scalp Treatments: 55
    2. Shaving: 50
    3. Tapered Hair Cutting: 250
    4. Hair Styling of Men and Women: 400
    5. Facials, Massages and Packs: 10
    6. Bleaching, Frosting, Hair Coloring and Body Permanents: 90
    7. Cutting and Fitting Hair Pieces: 5
    8. Hair Straightening: 5
    9. The Analyzing and of Hair and Skin Treatments: 10
  3. Lectures and Demonstrations on Practical Work: 273 Clock Hours
    1. Shampooing and Scientific Hair and Scalp Treatments: 15
    2. Shaving: 20
    3. Tapered Hair Cutting: 70
    4. Hair Styling of Men and Women: 100
    5. Facials, Massages and Packs: 5
    6. Bleaching, Frosting, Hair Coloring and Permanent Waving: 30
    7. Cutting and Fitting Hair Pieces: 5
    8. Hair Straightening: 3
    9. The Analyzing and Treating of Hair and Scalp Disorders: 10
    10. Men’s and Women’s Razor Cutting: 15

Total Clock Hours: 1528



The qualitative element used to determine academic progress is a reasonable system of grades as determined by assigned academic learning. The academic standard includes both academic (theory) and practical learning. Students are assigned academic learning and a minimum number of practical experiences. Academic learning is evaluated after each unit of study. Practical assignments are evaluated as completed and counted toward course completion only when rated as satisfactory or better. If the performance does not meet satisfactory requirements, it is not counted and the performance must be repeated. At various points throughout the course, the instructor will perform formal practical evaluations. Each course incorporates four of these formal practical evaluations. Practical skills are evaluated according to text procedures and set forth in practical skills evaluation criteria adopted by the school. Students must maintain a written grade average of 70% and pass a FINAL written and practical exam prior to graduation. Students must make up for failed or missed tests and incomplete assignments.

Students must maintain an academic cumulative average of at least 70% (C) or higher on a cumulative basis as of the evaluation date to meet the academic standards of this policy and to be considered as making satisfactory academic progress. Students must maintain this 70% (C) cumulative average in both their Theory Grade & their Practical Grade.

Numerical grades are considered according to the following scale:

A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = Below 70; F = 0


Program Charges

Barbering: 1528 clock hours (1910 maximum)

  • Application Fee: $300.00*
  • Books, Kit, Textbook, Classroom Materials, Name Tag, Uniform and Activity Fee: $1,000.00**
  • Tuition: $15,700

Total: $22,400

*The application fee is non-refundable and is due with the application.

** Books, kit, textbook, classroom materials, name tag, uniform and activity fee charges are non-refundable and non-returnable.

Payment Schedule (Self-Pay)

Students may opt to use self-pay for all or part of their program charges and may set up their tuition on an interest-free monthly payment plan. Each student will receive a payment schedule along with their truth-in-lending statement and enrollment agreement. Payments are due the 1st of each month and are considered late after the 5th of each month. Payment must be made to the Administrative Office and must be received by the due date. Payments may be taken to the Administrative Office in person or if deemed necessary may be mailed to:

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy

Asheville, NC 28801

Full-Time and Part-Time:

$2,000.00 is due the first day of class with the remaining balance of $7,600.00 due when all 600 hours are completed.

Late Fees

There will be a late charge of $50 for any payments made after the 5th of each month. If a student fails to make a scheduled tuition payment, he or she may not be allowed to attend class or accrue hours until payment is made. Hours missed due to non-payment will affect the student’s attendance record and will be factored into their Satisfactory Academic Progress attendance calculation as hours missed. If a student fails to make a scheduled tuition payment, the student will receive a late fee each month until payments are caught up.

Methods of Payment

Methods of payment include cash, check, certified check, or money order. Please make all checks payable to Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy.

Institutional Scholarships

Institutional Scholarship – FULL TUITION (application fee & course materials not included)

At the discretion of the school administration, a graduate of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy may be awarded a scholarship for any course. Recipients of the scholarship must be interviewed by the school administration, and meet other academic criteria as set forth by the administration. This scholarship only applies to students who complete all of the required hours for their course at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy. If the student drops, is terminated, or transfers out of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy before completing the course and all of the graduation requirements associated with the course, the student’s refund/balance owed will be based on full tuition of the applicable course they have chosen.

Extra Instructional Charges

Students enrolled at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy are responsible for their time and attendance. If the student has not completed the requirements for graduation by the number of scheduled program hours listed below, he/she will be charged $13.00/hour for every additional hour needed to complete the course.

Barbering: 1528 hours (1910 maximum)

Please note that the scheduled graduation date (listed as the contract end date on the enrollment agreement) includes the total hours contracted plus 10% of those total hours contracted, allowing for unavoidable absences. No student will be allowed longer than one and one-half (1 ½) times the scheduled program length to complete the program.

If Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is closed or operates on a delay due to inclement weather, those hours/days affecting the student’s schedule as contracted will be added on to the contract end date. This will be performed on an addendum to the enrollment agreement.

Over-contract funds, as well as current contracted charges, must be paid in full prior to Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy releasing your Record of Instruction to the North Carolina Board for licensure (unless other arrangements have been made).

State Board Licensing Fee

Students are responsible for paying the applicable state board licensing fee. The fee amount can be found in the Candidate Information Bulletin for the relevant state licensure exam. This fee is paid at the time the application for the state board licensing exam is submitted.

Kit/Textbook Policy

Student kits and textbooks are required to be purchased by all students from Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy. School kit and textbook items are available only through suppliers that sell to licensed professionals. Items distributed by our supplier are sold to schools at a discounted price, and those savings are passed on to our students. The costs for the kit and textbook items include shipping and handling.

The kit and textbook items are non-refundable and non-returnable. Students open and inventory their kits and each item within the kit on the day they receive them, typically the first day of class. Due to the items being opened and due to restocking fees, the school is unable to return those items to the supplier. Textbooks are received, opened, and labeled with each student’s name on the first day of class. The opened and labeled textbooks are unreturnable to our supplier. The student is responsible for replacing lost and broken items. Replacement kit items can be purchased through Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy. Borrowing is not encouraged.

Student books and kits are a required purchase by the student from Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy. Students provide their own stationary school supplies.

The Kit/Textbook fee must be paid prior to or on the first day of class.

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy has payment options available for the purchase of textbooks and kit items. The textbook and kit costs are payable in the first academic year.

For those students on a cash payment plan, a down payment of 10% of tuition, plus books, kits, and fees is paid prior to the first day of class and the remaining balance is paid as agreed upon prior to signing the enrollment agreement (see self-pay payment schedule above).

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy assumes no responsibility for the students’ kits, textbooks, instructional supplies, training materials, and personal effects. Upon completion of the course, withdrawal, or termination, all items belonging to the student must be removed from the school by the student within 30 days or they become property of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy.


Institutional Refund Policy

For applicants who cancel enrollment or students who withdraw from enrollment a fair and equitable settlement will apply. The following policy will apply to all terminations for any reason, by either party, including student decision, course or program cancellation, or school closure.

Any money due to the applicant or student shall be refunded within 45 days of official cancellation or withdrawal. Official cancellation or withdrawal occurs when:

  1. An applicant is not accepted by the institution. The applicant shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid except the non-refundable application fee of $300.00.
  2. An applicant (or parent/legal guardian of an applicant if the student is a minor) cancels his/her contract in writing within three business days of signing the contract. In this case, all monies paid by the applicant/student to the school, except the $500.00 non-refundable application fee, will be refunded, regardless of whether or not the student has actually started classes.
  3. A student cancels the contract after three business days of signing but prior to starting classes. In these cases, the student is entitled to a refund of all monies paid to the school less the $300.00 non-refundable application fee and a maximum tuition fee of 15% of the stated costs of the course or program or $300, whichever is less.
  4. A student notifies the institution, in writing, of his/her withdrawal.
  5. A student is expelled by the institution.

For circumstances 2 ,3, or 4 above, the cancellation date will be determined by the postmark on the written notification or the date said information is delivered to the school in person.

Please note that all refunds are calculated based on the student’s last date of attendance. The withdrawal date is the date that the student is determined to have withdrawn or to have been terminated from the program, and this date is used to ensure timely receipt of refunds. Refunds owed to the student will be refunded within 45 days of the date of withdrawal/termination. If the withdrawal date is determined to fall after the last date of attendance, the last date of attendance is still the date used to calculate the refund.

Unofficial withdrawals are monitored at a minimum weekly, and any student who has been absent from the school for 30 or more calendar days or is unable to be reached by the school following an absence of more than 14 days will be unofficially withdrawn. Any monies owed the student will be refunded within 45 days of the date the unofficial withdrawal was determined.

The following is the Institutional Refund Calculation used by Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy upon a drop/withdrawal/termination to determine if the student is owed a refund. All refunds are based on scheduled hours:

Percentage of Scheduled Time

Enrolled to Total Course

Amount of Total Tuition Owed to/

Retained by the School

0.01% to 04.9%


5% to 09.9%


10% to 14.9%


15% to 24.9%


25% to 49.9%


50% and over


All refunds will be calculated based on the students last date of attendance. Any monies due to a student who withdraws shall be refunded within 45 days of a determination that a student has withdrawn, whether officially or unofficially. In the case of disabling illness or injury, death in the student’s immediate family or other documented mitigating circumstances, a reasonable and fair refund settlement will be made. If permanently closed or no longer offering instruction after a student has enrolled and instruction has begun, the school shall notify all enrolled students of the pending closure immediately, describing their financial obligations as well as their rights to a refund or adjustment, and provisions made for assistance toward completion of their academic programs, whether in this institution that is closing, or by contract with another institution or organization to teach out the educational programs. If the course (program) is cancelled subsequent to a student’s enrollment and before instruction in the course has begun, the school shall provide a full refund of all monies paid. If the course (program) is cancelled and the school ceases to offer instruction after students have enrolled and instruction has begun, the school shall notify all enrolled students of the pending program cancellation immediately, describing their financial obligations as well as their rights to a refund or adjustment, and provisions made for assistance toward completion of their academic programs, whether in this institution that is closing, or by contract with another institution or organization to teach out the educational programs.

This refund policy applies to tuition and fees charged in the enrollment agreement. All fees are identified in the catalog and the enrollment agreement. The $500.00 application fee is non-refundable. Kits/Textbooks are non-refundable and non-returnable. Other miscellaneous charges the student may have incurred (extra kit materials, books, products, unreturned school property, etc.) will be calculated separately at the time of withdrawal.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is consistently applied to all students enrolled at the school and complies with the guidelines established by Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy accrediting/state agencies and the federal regulations established by the U.S. Department of Education. It is printed in the catalog to ensure that all students receive a copy prior to enrollment. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is measured in both quantitative terms (attendance) and qualitative terms (academics/grades). Students must meet the school’s attendance standard and the academic standard on a cumulative basis (start date to date of SAP evaluation). The academic progress of students will be evaluated at midpoint and at the end of each term.

Attendance Standard (Quantitative Measure)

Students are required to attend a minimum of 67% of the hours possible based on the applicable attendance schedule in order to be considered maintaining satisfactory attendance progress. Evaluations are conducted at the end of each evaluation period to determine if the student has met the minimum requirements. A student’s attendance pace is determined by the following formula:

  • Cumulative clock hours of actual attendance as of the evaluation date
  • Cumulative clock hours of scheduled attendance as of the evaluation date

At the end of each evaluation period, the school will determine if the student has maintained at least 67% cumulative attendance since the beginning of the course, which indicates that, given the same attendance rate, the student will graduate within the maximum time frame allowed.

Maximum Time Frame:

The maximum time (which does not exceed 150% of the course length) allowed for students to complete each course at satisfactory progress is stated below:

Barbering (Full-time, 32 hrs./wk. 60 weeks) – 1528 hrs.

1st Evaluation Period Ends: 30 weeks/764 hours

2nd Evaluation Period Ends: 60 weeks/1528 hours     

The maximum time allowed for transfer students who need less than the full course requirements or part-time students will be determined based on 67% of the scheduled hours.

Students who have not graduated by the maximum time frame will be terminated.


Academic Standard (Qualitative Measure)

The qualitative element used to determine academic progress is a reasonable system of grades as determined by assigned academic learning. The academic standard includes both academic (theory) and practical learning. Students are assigned academic learning and a minimum number of practical experiences. Academic learning is evaluated after each unit of study. Practical assignments are evaluated as completed and counted toward course completion only when rated as satisfactory or better. If the performance does not meet satisfactory requirements, it is not counted, and the performance must be repeated. At various points throughout the course, the instructor will perform formal practical evaluations. Each course incorporates four of these formal practical evaluations. Practical skills are evaluated according to text procedures and set forth in practical skills evaluation criteria adopted by the school. Students must maintain a written grade average of 70% and pass a FINAL written and practical exam prior to graduation. Students must make up for failed or missed tests and incomplete assignments.

Students must maintain an academic cumulative average of at least 70% (C) or higher on a cumulative basis as of the evaluation date to meet the academic standards of this policy and to be considered as making satisfactory academic progress. Students must maintain this 70% (C) cumulative average in both their Theory Grade & their Practical Grade.

Numerical grades are considered according to the following scale:

A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = Below 70; F = 0

Review & Evaluation Periods

Attendance is monitored on a weekly basis, and students will receive bi-monthly updates on their attendance and academic standing in the form of report cards, and any at-risk students will be counseled and will be advised regarding efforts to improve success. The bi-monthly report cards are issued to each student in order to track his/her progress toward meeting satisfactory progress. The frequency of the evaluations ensures that students have ample opportunity to meet both the attendance and academic progress requirement of at least one evaluation by midpoint of the course. Our institutional academic year for our program is as follows: Barbering program, the academic year is 1528 clock hours and 60 weeks.

Students are formally evaluated for Satisfactory Academic Progress as follows:

Barbering-1528 clock hours

Transfer Students – Midpoint of the contracted hours or the established evaluation periods, whichever comes first.

Students meeting the minimum requirements for academics and attendance at the evaluation point are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) until the next scheduled evaluation. Students will receive a hard copy of their Satisfactory Academic Progress Determination at the time of each of the evaluations.


Students who fail to meet either of the two progress standards (attendance/academics) as of the evaluation date will be placed on warning and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress while during the warning period. The student will be advised on the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. At the end of that warning period, the student must be making the published attendance and academic standards on a cumulative basis to be considered as making satisfactory academic progress. If, at the end of the warning period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic requirements, he/she will be determined as not making satisfactory academic progress.


Students who fail to meet either of the two progress standards after the warning period will be placed on probation and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress while during the probationary period if the student appeals the decision and prevails upon appeal. A student may appeal the decision if he/she has a documented reason for the unsatisfactory progress, and the underlying circumstances have changed. The basis for filing an appeal, such as death of a relative, injury, illness, or other special circumstances may be documented in the student’s file. The school must determine that Satisfactory Academic Progress standards can be met by the end of the subsequent evaluation period in order for an appeal to be approved. Students placed on an academic plan must be able to meet requirements set forth in the academic plan by the end of the next evaluation period. Students who are progressing according to their specific academic plan will be considered making Satisfactory Academic Progress. The student will be advised in writing of the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation.

Re-establishment of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students may re-establish satisfactory academic progress by meeting minimum attendance and academic requirements by the end of the warning or probationary period.

Interruptions, Course Incompletes, Withdrawals

If enrollment is temporarily interrupted for a Leave of Absence, the student will return to school in the same progress status as prior to the leave of absence. Hours elapsed during the leave of absence will extend the student’s contract period and maximum time frame the same number of days taken in the leave of absence and will not be included in the student’s cumulative attendance percentage calculation. Students who withdraw prior to completion of the course and wish to re-enroll will return in the same satisfactory academic progress status as at the time of withdrawal if re-enrolling within 180 days of their last date of attendance.

Appeal Procedure

If a student is determined to not be making satisfactory academic progress or is terminated for not making satisfactory progress, the student may appeal the negative determination. The student must submit a written appeal (see Administrative Office for official Appeal Policy Form) to the school administration within five (5) business days of not making satisfactory academic progress or termination. The student must include any supporting documentation of reasons why the determination should be reversed. Reasons for which students may appeal a negative progress determination include death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or any other allowable special or mitigating circumstance. This information should include what has changed about the student’s situation that will allow them to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress by the next evaluation point.

If the student fails to appeal the decision, the decision will stand. If a student is terminated for gross misconduct, which includes but is not limited to reporting to the school under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, cheating, stealing, insubordination, and threats and/or bullying, such termination is final and may not be appealed.

An appeal hearing will take place within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the written appeal. This hearing will be attended by the student, parent/guardian (if the student is a dependent minor), the student’s instructor, and the Director. A decision on the student’s appeal will be made within three (3) business days by the Director and will be communicated to the student in writing. This decision will be final. The appeal and decision documents will be retained in the student file.

Should a student prevail on his/her appeal and be determined to be making satisfactory academic progress, the student will be automatically

re-entered in the course.

Non-credit and Remedial Courses

Course incompletes, repetitions, and non-credit remedial courses do not apply to this institution. Therefore, these items have no effect upon the school’s satisfactory academic progress standards.

Transfer Hours

Students whose transfer hours are accepted by the school are applied to the total number of hours necessary to complete the program are considered as both attempted and completed hours for the purpose of determining satisfactory academic progress and when the maximum time frame has been exhausted.

School Policies


Each student is expected to attend all classes according to the schedule on their enrollment agreement. Attendance is required to maximize every educational opportunity and to ensure successful completion of each program. While Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy encourages students to attend school every day that they are scheduled, we understand that emergencies, inclement weather, and illness can happen and cause unavoidable absences. To account for these instances, each program includes a predetermined number of hours that can be missed without incurring extra-instructional charges. This predetermined amount is calculated as an extra 10% of those totals in hours contracted. Please see the section on Extra-Instructional Charges for these specific amounts. The total absent hours accrued beyond the allowed amount of each program will result in extra-instructional charges of $13.00 per hour.

The maximum time frame a student is allowed to complete their hours is 150% of the total scheduled hours for the program. Per our Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy, students are required to maintain a minimum 67% attendance.

As stated in our Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, attendance is calculated by dividing actual hours into scheduled hours. All absences and hours missed, whether excused or unexcused, affect the attendance percentage.

Each student is required to clock in and out each day when entering and leaving the school using the time clock at the reception desk.



Students must report to class on time. Late arrival for any reason must be communicated and explained to the Instructor and Administrative Coordinator. Students arriving 10 minutes after their scheduled arrival time are considered tardy.

If the administrative staff notices a pattern in this behavior, it will result in a consultation. Further action will be taken at that point.



Communication is key when a student must be absent. If you are unable to attend school because of illness or other personal reasons, you must notify an Instructor and our Administrative Coordinator no later than 8:30AM on each day of your absence. A student may leave a voicemail on the school’s answering system before 8:30AM if an instructor is not available. Any absence due to illness or injury must be communicated with our Instructor and Administrative Coordinator. If the student cannot call for any reason, they must provide a documented statement from a physician. Students who do not call prior to an absence or tardiness are subject to receiving an infraction and other disciplinary action unless they provide us with the statement from a physician.

If more than 30 consecutive calendar days have been missed, the student will be terminated from the program. If more than 14 calendar days have been missed without contacting the school, the student will be terminated from the program. If more than 7 calendar days have been missed without prior notice, Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will attempt to reach out to the student in order to assist him/her in taking a Leave of Absence (if applicable) or to determine the date by which the student will be returning – please note that if the student does not return by this date, he/she will be terminated. If Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is unable to reach the student to determine this date of return (which must still be within 30 calendar days from the last date of attendance), the student will be involuntarily withdrawn from the program.

LEAVING EARLY – Students are required to clock the number of hours each day required by their program schedule. Students are not allowed to leave prior to their scheduled departure time unless it is communicated with the instructor. Leaving early without consulting with the instructor will result in an infraction. An infraction for early departure without proper notification may be appealed if the student can prove to the Director’s satisfaction that the early departure involved an emergency. Time missed due to leaving early will be added to your absent hours.

Saturday Attendance

Saturday attendance is mandatory unless otherwise agreed upon before signing your enrollment agreement. For students scheduled to attend Saturdays, any absence on a Saturday not approved by the Director at least one day in advance of the absence will result in an infraction. An infraction for an unapproved Saturday absence may be appealed if the student can prove to the Director’s satisfaction that the absence involved an emergency or was an incident beyond the student’s control. An absence will not be considered approved or excused without proper documentation. Students are permitted five or three Saturday absences depending on the clock hours in their program – see table below.

These absences are the total amount permitted throughout the student’s entire attendance at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy. The limit is three (3) Saturdays.

Extra Hours/Make-Up Hours

Extra hours are any hours beyond what the student is normally scheduled. In order for Title IV students to attend outside of their scheduled hours in order to make up hours missed; the students must obtain prior authorization from the Financial Aid Director by utilizing the necessary form from the administrative office. If it is necessary for a student to stay late with a client, approval must be granted from an instructor beforehand and the proper form must be completed.

Make-Up Work

All students must complete all work on a scheduled basis. If the student fails to make up any assignments missed, they will be required to stay in school on their regular schedule until all assignments and tests are completed. It is the responsibility of each student to inform the instructor that they need to make up an assignment.

In the event a student is absent or fails an exam, the student must schedule to take the exam within the designated make-up periods. If the make-up was due to a previous failing grade on the exam the higher of the two scores will be recorded.

Time Clock Guidelines & Corrections

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is a clock hour institution and therefore clocking in and out is of extreme importance. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy can only issue credits for hours that are properly documented. It is the student’s responsibility to clock in and out each day, which includes lunch or any other time it is necessary for the student to leave the building. Students must clock in at the beginning of the day and clock out when leaving for the day. Students must also clock in and out for lunch or for any other reason that would cause them to leave the school during school hours. If any student leaves without clocking out and is gone longer than 10 minutes, a full hour will be taken.

Any adjustments to the student’s time clock entries need to be corrected within one week of receiving the time reports and must be communicated to the Administrative Office in person.

If a student fails to clock in or out for any reason, you must complete the Student Time Correction Form, which can be obtained in the Administrative Office. Please note that the Administrative Office will only make one correction every 6 months. Any other missed clock-ins or clock-outs will cause the student to lose hours. If a student forgets to clock-in or out, he/she needs to do so as soon as he/she remembers. The Student Time Correction Form must be submitted within seven calendar days of the date when the student receives the monthly time reports, or no correction will be made.

For students who forget to clock out for the day, one warning will be given. After the warning, the student will receive an infraction per our Infraction Policy each time they fail to clock out.


Students are required to sign in and out at the front desk when going on lunch and any other time they leave the building. Lunches are scheduled at the front desk. Students are to check the schedule daily for their allotted lunch time. Full-time students receive a 1-hour lunch each day. Part-Time students receive a 1-hour lunch on Saturdays. Students are required to take at least a 30-minute lunch. Short lunches must be approved by an instructor. Please note that a student will receive an infraction for taking an excessively long lunch.

If a student does not clock in and out for lunch, the full scheduled amount of time for their lunch break will be deducted from the day’s hours.

Advising/Housing/School Library

Instructors or other staff members are always available for advising should the student have any personal or academic difficulties. Students are informed by the Administrative Director that if they ever feel that they need additional assistance at any point in the program, that they should let one of the instructors, the Director, or the Administrative Director know, so that we can facilitate additional help or teaching materials to meet their individual needs. If at any time we become aware of specific concerns for a particular student, either the Director or Head Instructor will meet with them one-on-one to talk about where they are, where they need to be, and what steps can be taken for them to be successful.

Career advising and placement services are not officially offered at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy. However, our staff updates local job opportunity postings as they are brought to our attention.

Students needing professional assistance will be provided with a list of agencies that may be of service for their particular needs.

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy does not provide student housing.

Supplementary instructional resources are available to students upon request. Examples include additional textbooks, DVD’s, magazines, etc. Any instructor or Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy staff member can assist the student with checking out these materials.

Student Parking

Students must abide by local parking rules, which are announced during orientation. The school will not be responsible for parking violations and/or towing fees. Student parking is located behind the school. Overflow parking is accessible on the street running directly behind the student parking lots, and the street running directly beside the school. There are more spots for street parking on both sides of these surrounding streets further down, but still within reasonable walking distance to the school.

Employment Placement

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy does not guarantee employment; however, we are committed to assisting the placement of every graduate seeking employment. We provide our students with the knowledge and information necessary to be successful in the industry. Our curriculum contains employment units, which include topics such as appearance guidelines, job referrals, and résumé preparation to help our students gain the knowledge needed to successfully interview and prepare for a job at the end of their training. As employment opportunities and openings are made known to Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy, this information is then provided to our students.


As a student of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy, there will be times that you will be videotaped and/or photographed for security and/or educational purposes. Additionally, photographs may be used in advertising, on our website, and/or for internet marketing. Unless you state otherwise, you agree to be photographed and/or videotaped and release all rights to photographs to Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy.

Social Media Guidelines

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy students are responsible for what they post on social networking sites (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, file-sharing & user-generated video and audio). Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy does not permit ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, intimidation, cyber bullying, or any other conduct that would not be accepted inside Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy on any of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy social media sites. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy reserves the right to remove any posts at its discretion and take necessary disciplinary action as appropriate.

Students may not provide misleading, false, or confidential information about Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy, faculty/instructors, students, or customers. You may not cite or refer to the school, faculty/instructors, students, or customers without their approval.

It is the duty of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy to protect itself from undue harm related to information that is shared on social networking sites.

Copyright Infringement Policy

Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject a student to civil and criminal liabilities. A summary of the penalties may be found at: Students who engage in illegal downloading or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the school’s information system will be terminated.

Constitution Day

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy celebrates Constitution Day on or near September 17th yearly. For more information, visit

Voter Registration Policy

Students are encouraged to register to vote in State and Federal elections. Voter registration and election date information for North Carolina can be found at Voter registration information and election dates for federal elections can be found at In compliance with the Department of Education, the internet address where voter registration applications can be downloaded will be emailed to all newly enrolled students prior to their first day of class.

Vaccination Policy

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy does not require vaccination records for admittance to the school.

Harassment Policy

It is the policy of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy to maintain a workplace free from any type of harassment including sexual, ethnic, or racial harassment, creating a hostile work environment, racial slurs, or demanding sexual favors for work-related benefits. In this regard, we will discipline up to and including discharge of anyone who engages in such activity.

Under this policy, sexual harassment is defined as: unwelcome sexual advances; employment, grades, advances, or lack thereof based on sexual favors or lack of such favors; non-consensual touching or sexual jokes; requests for sexual favors; verbal or physical conduct of a sexually harassing nature; physically suggestive objects, pictures, or obscene gestures; or failure to cease any such act upon request of any other person.

Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedures

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is committed to providing a safe educational environment which is free of violence, harassment, and discrimination. Therefore, in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), along with its amendments made pursuant to the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy has adopted strict policies regarding these matters. Students should refer to the Campus Safety and Annual Security Report provided during the admission process for detailed information. Additional copies can be obtained from the Executive Director or when updated Reports are distributed annually. The Campus Title IX Coordinator is Craig Charles and he may be reached at (857) 891-3550 or via email at

Student Complaint/Grievance Policy

In accordance with the institution’s mission statement, the school will make every attempt to resolve any student complaint that is not frivolous or without merit. Complaint procedures will be included in new student orientation thereby assuring that all students know the steps to follow should they desire to register a complaint at any time. Evidence of the final resolution of all complaints will be retained in school files in order to determine the frequency, nature, and patterns of complaints for the institution.

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy endorses an open-door policy to all persons associated with the institution. This open-door policy is practiced in an effort to address potentially negative issues before they become complaints. Any student who wishes to initiate a complaint has the assured right that institutional staff will not take any adverse actions against the student for bringing forth an issue.

  1. The student must submit the complaint in writing to the Director. The written statement must include a full description of all conditions and circumstances related to the complaint. The student must submit the complaint in writing within 7 calendar days from when the grievance occurred.
  2. The Director will then discuss with staff and instructors. Depending on the extent and nature of the complaint, interviews with appropriate staff and other students may be necessary to reach a final resolution of the complaint.
  3. A response will be sent in writing to the student within 14 calendar days after the complaint is received. The initial response may not provide for final resolution but will notify the student of continued investigation and/or actions being taken regarding the complaint.
  4. In cases of extreme conflict, it may be necessary to conduct an informal hearing regarding the complaint. If necessary, management will appoint a hearing committee consisting of one member selected by the school who has had no involvement in the dispute and who may also be a corporate officer, another member who may not be related to the student filing the complaint or another student in the school, and another member who may not be employed by the school or related to the school owners. The hearing will occur within 90 days of committee appointment. The hearing will be informal with the student presenting his/her case followed by the school’s response. The hearing committee will be allowed to ask questions of all involved parties. Within 15 days of the hearing, the committee will prepare a report summarizing each witness’ testimony and a recommended resolution for the dispute.  School management shall consider the report and either accept, reject, or modify the recommendations of the committee.

Record Retention Policy

The school maintains cumulative educational records in accordance with all applicable, federal, state, and accreditation regulations. All records related to accreditation will be maintained for the necessary time required by NACCAS. Applications and admission records containing information regarding the educational qualifications of each regular student admitted that are relevant to the postsecondary school’s admission standards will be maintained permanently in either hard copy forms or in an electronic database with backup by the school, its successors, or its assigns. These student records will reflect the requirements and justification for admission of the student to the school. A transcript of the student’s academic and course work at the school will be retained permanently in either hard copy form or in an electronic database with backup by the school, its successors, or its assigns. A record of student academic or course progress at the school including programs of study, dates of enrollment, courses taken and completed, grades, and indication of the student’s current status (graduated, probation, etc.) will be retained permanently. Fiscal records will be maintained for a minimum of three years after the student’s last date of attendance, or for a longer period of time when required by NACCAS. As required by DPOR, all written records of hours and performances showing what instruction a student has received after the student terminates or completes the curriculum of the school shall also be maintained for a minimum of five years after the student terminates or completes the program.

Student records shall be maintained after a student either terminates training or graduates. The school will maintain adequate permanent student records and have them readily available for federal, state, and accreditation organizations, which will include evidence of compliance with school admissions requirements, theory and practical academic transcripts, dates of enrollment/withdrawal/completion, tuition records, Veterans Administration records for veterans, copies of certificates awarded, and attendance records. Evidence of accreditation, if any, during the years covered by transcripts will also be maintained permanently, as well as a set of course descriptions for all courses offered by the school.

File Access & Information Release/FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA limits the disclosure of personally identifiable information from school records and defines students’ rights to review their records and request a change to those records. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy follows all FERPA regulations, including that each student and parents/guardians of dependent minors are guaranteed the right to access and review the student’s educational file. Students may request a copy of his/her academic and/or financial records by written request to the Director. The request shall include their name, current address, phone number, email address, date of request, and detailed information of their request. Current or former students will be provided an unofficial transcript for requests of information regarding performances or hours – this request will be granted within 21 days of the written request. Current or former students who have a delinquent account will not be able to receive copies of an official certified transcript until the account is current, which includes being paid in full or payment arrangements are current.

FERPA affords the student the right to request amendment of the student’s education record that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy to amend a record should write the Director, Craig Charles, at 123 Main Street, Asheville, NC 28801 and clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed and specify why it should be changed. If Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy chooses to deny the request, Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing to challenge the contents of the education records on the grounds that the records are inaccurate, misleading, or violate the rights of the student. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

Any third-party request of information will require written authorization from the student or parent/guardian of a dependent minor. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy provides each student with a “Consent of Access to Education Records” form that they may complete should the student wish any third-party source to have access to any of their educational records. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy requires a release form to be completed for each third-party request of information. Any and all information requests about any form of student information should be directed to the Director. FERPA permits the disclosure records to the following parties: school officials who have a legitimate educational interest, school officials from another school where a student seeks to enroll or is already enrolled for the purposes of transferring, various government officials for the purpose of supervising state-supported educational programs, accreditation agencies, parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent minor for IRS tax purposes, organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of the school, persons/organizations in response to a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena, appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency, and to state and local authorities to whom disclosure is required by state law. The school may also disclose, without consent, “directory information” as defined under § 99.37. However, the school must notify parents and students of the information that is designated as “directory information,” and provide a reasonable amount of time to allow the parent or eligible student to request the school not to disclose the information.

The institution maintains a record of all release forms and requests for information.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20202

Health & Safety Exemption Requirement

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy adheres to all requirements pertaining to the protection of student information. However, there are limited exceptions to FERPA regulations under which Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is permitted to disclose education records or personally identifiable, non-directory information from education records in connection with a health or safety emergency without student consent. The situation must present imminent danger to a student, other students, or members of the school community in order to qualify as an exception. This action is not taken lightly and only under circumstances that present imminent danger.

Right to Change

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy reserves the right to modify its curriculum, rules, or any other policies at its discretion. Any modifications to curriculum, rules or any other policies will be disclosed to current and prospective students in an updated version of our catalog, which can be accessed on the school’s website (www.). If the modification affects current students, the change will be announced in class and posted on the bulletin board in the classroom. Please note that all terms of current student enrollment agreements will be honored.

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy reserves the right to reschedule, postpone, or to cancel class start dates. In the event of a change in start date, the student will be provided the opportunity for a full refund of all monies paid or be provided the opportunity to sign a new Student Enrollment Contract.

Official Withdrawals

If a student wishes to officially withdraw from the program, the student must submit a written letter of withdrawal to Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy. This letter can be submitted to the instructor or faculty member at the school on the day the student chooses to submit the written notice of withdrawal.


Students may be suspended or terminated for failure to comply with Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy rules and code of conduct.

The school reserves the right to dismiss / suspend a student for any reason, including but not limited to the following: providing fraudulent information or documentation of requirements for admission or attendance; failure to attend classes regularly; refusal to complete assigned classes; non-compliance with educational requirements, general school policies or the contract; breach of school rules and regulations; falsification of school records; cheating; conduct or conditions that pose a direct, adverse threat (including bullying) to other students, guests or employees of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy; or failure to make required tuition & fees payments. Intentional destruction of school property, destruction of other students’ or staff members’ property, physical violence and threats of violence can mean immediate dismissal / suspension without previous warning.

Students are responsible for their own education equipment and personal belongings that may have been left in the school. These items must be removed by the student from the school’s premises within 30 days from the date of the dismissal / suspension letter or they will be removed by the school and disposed of accordingly. If a student is terminated and wishes to contact the school, the student may email the school at A response will be sent within 7 business days.

Relief, Refund and Reinstatement

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy has adopted a policy providing for tuition relief and refunds, and for reinstatement of students whose documented service in the uniformed services has required their sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from their enrollment in the institution. Tuition and fees may be refunded to the student at the Director’s discretion. The student will be considered for reinstatement if the student returns to the same institution after a cumulative absence of not more than five years, and the student provides notice of intent to return to the institution no later than three years after the completion of the period of service.

Students Rights, Responsibilities & Privileges

Per the terms of the enrollment contract, the student:

  • Agrees to comply with all Standards of Conduct, General Policies, State Laws and Regulations, and educational requirements including clinic assignments.
  • Agrees not to refuse to perform client services or other program requirements.
  • Agrees to pay applicable school and state board testing fees and provide all required registration paperwork in a timely manner.
  • Agrees to always comply with the school’s dress code and project a professional image representative of the barbering and image industry.
  • Agrees to comply with the assigned schedule for the applicable program of study which may change from time to time at the discretion of the school.
  • Agrees to attend theory class as scheduled for the duration of the course of study regardless of whether all required tests have been taken and passed.
  • Understands that minimum attendance and grade requirements must be maintained for satisfactory progress; failure to comply will result in possible probation or termination from the program according to the policy found in the catalog.
  • Understands that he/she is responsible for the state licensing exam fee and other examination or licensing related expenses.
  • Understands and agrees that he/she is responsible for reporting to the school state board examination grades, progress, licensure date, and employment information.

Infraction Policy

The following will be the system guidelines for disciplinary action at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy.

For each infraction deemed severe enough, an advisory will be given to the student. This advisory will serve as a coaching session for the student in addition to its disciplinary purpose. Should the infraction be deemed severe enough, the advisory will be taken directly to the Director of the School. All infractions will be documented and kept in the student’s file.

The progressive infraction policy at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is:

  • At 2 infractions, the student will be sent home for the day.
  • At 3 infractions, the student will be sent home for the day and given a one-day suspension.
  • At 4 infractions, the student will be suspended for 5 school days.
  • At 5 infractions, the student will meet with the Director to discuss their future at the school.
  • At 6 infractions, the student’s enrollment will be terminated.

Please note that the above infraction policy is for infractions in general. For infractions received for the same offense (e.g., not taking theory exams as required, unsatisfactory sanitation grades), the below policy applies:

  • At 2 infractions, the student will be sent home for the day.
  • At 3 infractions, the student will be suspended for 7 calendar days
  • At 4 infractions, the student will be terminated.

This infraction policy is a guideline, and it is possible that the Director will determine that, due to the nature/severity of the infraction, more or less severe discipline than this guideline calls for is necessary.

Faculty Accessibility Policy

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy ensures students that instructional faculty are accessible to students for academic or course advising at stated times outside a course’s regularly scheduled class hours throughout the period during which the course is offered. The stated times vary over time and will be available upon request.

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy would like to put students’ worries to rest. We assure that there will be more than enough time for students to interact with faculty one on one daily. We maintain a 1 teacher to 15 student ratio in order to allow for us to engage with our students to make them feel welcome and engaged in their learning. Students are also encouraged to interact and learn with their peers in an educational manner.

Student Code of Conduct

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is dedicated not only to learning and the advancement of knowledge but also to the development of ethically sensitive and responsible persons. It seeks to achieve these goals through a sound educational program and effective policies that govern student conduct and encourage individual responsibility and maturity.

Students who enroll at Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy are expected to maintain high standards of honor, integrity, morality, and consideration for others in their personal behavior. Students are expected to act honestly and respectfully. Cheating, plagiarizing, stealing, or knowingly furnishing false information is considered unsatisfactory conduct. Students must also exhibit dedication by completing all services, projects and duties, by attending all classes as outlined, and by following the directions of the instructors and administrators in the performance of their duties.

Unruly conduct at the school, insubordination, creating dissension, insulting conduct toward the public, fellow students, and/or instructors will be cause for disciplinary action, which may include suspension or termination. The following types of behavior are not allowed, and individuals found to have committed such infractions by the procedures set forth in this Code shall be subject to sanctions being imposed including suspension or expulsion from the program.

  • RESPECT – I pledge to respect my instructors, staff, and peers while attending Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy.
  • ACADEMIC – collaborating, conspiring, or cooperating during an examination with any other person by giving or receiving information without authorization; copying or obtaining information from another student’s examination paper; selling or giving away all or part of an examination; stealing, buying, or otherwise obtaining all or part of an examination; submitting as one’s own any practical assignment, written work, or examination of another person
  • INFORMATIONAL – fabricating, forging, altering, or misusing any Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy document, record, instrument of identification, etc.; furnishing false information to Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy with the intent to deceive; providing false identification to authorized Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy personnel
  • PERSONAL CONDUCT – disorderly conduct which disturbs the orderly functions and processes of the facility and/or infringes on the rights of others defined in this Code; the intentional interference with the lawful rights of any person on school property; loud music, noise, or disruptive conduct at school that interferes with educational events or processes
  • PROPERTY – vandalism, destruction, damage, defacement, abuse, or misuse of public or personal property, whether intentional or by negligence
  • OTHER – failure to comply with a lawful order, direction, or request of a Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy employee made by the employee in the performance of the employee’s duties; any conduct not specifically stated herein which adversely affects the educational processes or the rights of members of the community or others; aiding or inciting others to commit any infraction in this Code

Rules & Regulations

  1. Students must check in at the scheduled time of arrival. The school must be notified by 8:30AM if the student will be absent or tardy. Please see policies on attendance, tardiness, and absences for more information. Students are responsible for clocking in and out each and every time they enter and leave the school building. Please see the policy on timeclock guidelines for more information.
  2. Each student is required to keep up with their performances on a daily basis and report those performances to the instructors.
  3. Dress Code: Students will be provided with a formal uniform. All clothes must be kept clean, stain-free, not torn, or shredded, pressed, and professional looking at all times.
    1. Clean, professional-looking shoes must be worn at all times.
    2. Skirts/Dresses/Shorts must not be shorter than two inches above the knee and must be black.
    3. Shirts must not show cleavage. No tank tops allowed. Backs and midriffs must be covered at all times.
    4. Clothing must not include any profane or inappropriate content.
    5. If your attire does not comply with the above-mentioned rules and is deemed inappropriate or offensive, you will be sent home and receive an infraction. Being sent home for dress-code related reasons will not excuse an absence.
  4. Cell phones are not to be used during class. Cell phones are only permitted to be used on the clinic floor for educational purposes. Students may not use cell phones while working on a practical/theory assignment or on a client.
  5. Students must have their full kit and books each day and must take all personal items home daily.
  6. Students will not visit with another student who is busy working on a client, unless it is for educational purposes.
  7. You must notify your instructor of all completed services so that the instructor can check your work. Failure to do so will result in an infraction. All clinic work must be checked by an instructor – no exceptions.
  8. Students must walk clients to the front desk after completing a service, and students must accurately report all services performed on the client.
  9. Profane language is not permitted at any time.
  10. No smoking or use of tobacco products will be allowed inside the building and must only be done in the designated area. This area must be kept clean from debris.
  11. No student is permitted in the inventory closet without permission.
  12. Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their work area and equipment throughout the day. Students are required to follow all State Board sanitation and sterilization laws including keeping his/her chair, individual workstation, mirror, drawers, kit and supplies neat and clean during training hours. Hair and any garbage must be promptly swept from the floor and placed in the garbage.
  13. School sanitation must be done every day in the various departments. It is the responsibility of everyone to make sure that the school stays clean and neat, and all students must participate in the sanitation duties each day. You will be written up if you fail to complete your sanitation or it is marked as unsatisfactory. For every four unsatisfactory sanitation grades, you will be written up and receive an infraction.
  14. All mannequin heads must be put away unless you are working on them.
  15. Before students can do services upon one another, it must be approved by an Instructor.
  16. Students are not to provide barbering services at home in exchange for money. Solicitation of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy clients to be serviced in your home is unethical and is grounds for termination.
  17. If a student is unable (i.e., due to health problems) or will not practice his or her assignments effectively, he or she cannot be in attendance or receive hours. Students must be able to perform all tasks in clinic, theory, and practical settings.
  18. Any student refusing to service a client will immediately be sent home and receive no hours from the time of dismissal.
  19. Students may not argue about appointments nor discuss matters in front of a patron. Students may not move appointments or refuse clients without the approval of an instructor.
  20. There will be zero tolerance toward sexual harassment as per our Harassment Policy.
  21. Integrity, courteous, and respectful conduct is expected of the students toward fellow students, instructors, school staff, and clinic patrons at all times. If a difficult situation should arise with one of your patrons, please notify an instructor.
  22. Students must behave in a professional and courteous manner. Respectful communication with staff, fellow students, and clients is required. Unnecessary conversation, creating noise, causing discord, abusive language, or using racial, sexual, ethnic, or religious slurs or references is prohibited and may result in termination from the program. Students who do not follow the guidelines or disrupt the learning process for others may be subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension or termination.
  23. A student may be suspended or dismissed for any actions or conduct that, in the opinion of the Administration, reflects negatively in any way upon the institution.
  24. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy reserves the right to suspend or terminate a student from school for refusal to cooperate with instructors, excessive absenteeism or tardiness, or in any case a student is not following school policies.
  25. The school Administration and Instructors reserve the right to expel students for any one of the following:
    1. Use of intoxicating liquors or drugs during school hours
    2. Possession or use of a weapon at the school
    3. Cheating, dishonesty, or falsification of records
    4. Immoral or unprofessional conduct
  26. Failure to comply with these Rules & Regulations and all points of the Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy Catalog will result in disciplinary action.
  27. The school has the right to change or add to any rules and regulations.

Consumer Information/Right-To-Know

General Consumer Information

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will provide prospective students or employees with a copy of our Consumer Information by posting the information on our internet website – https://www. A paper copy will be provided upon request through our Administrative Office. For general school information, you may contact the Administrative Director at (857)-891-3550 or email us

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will annually distribute to all enrolled students and current faculty a notice of availability of the Consumer Information. This will be done via email. The school will provide a paper copy on request.

The most current pre-enrollment information is given prior to signing the enrollment agreement. This will include the graduation, licensure, and placement rates for the most recent award year. This information may also be found on the school’s website – www.

Our Admissions Office Personnel are knowledgeable of the information contained within this document and are readily available to assist prospective/enrolled students and/or their parents. To set up a meeting or discuss any questions you may have via phone or email, please contact us at (857)-891-3550 or at

Misrepresentation Policy of Truth & Candor

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy and its faculty are committed to maintaining the highest standard of integrity in every aspect of its operations and to assuring complete transparency, candor, and accuracy in all of its communications with students, accrediting agencies, and the public. Furthermore, the school is using procedures and practices aimed at eliminating errors while communicating with students and the public.

Physical Demands/Safety

Barbering – Sitting for long periods of time, back stress, arm & hand stress, long work hours.

Instructor – Standing for long periods of time, back stress, possible chemical contact.

All career fields require working with chemicals that are considered hazardous. A hazardous chemical is a chemical, substance, or ingredient in a product that is considered harmful, flammable, corrosive, etc. (Examples may include acetone polish remover).

Students should wear shoes that would not be slippery when walking on a damp floor. All hair needs to be swept up following each haircut to minimize accidents. All water spilled should also be wiped up as quickly as possible. It is the responsibility of each student to promote a safe work environment. Gloves should be worn during chemical services to reduce any allergic reactions.

State Licensing

Students graduating from our barbering program may take the licensing exam in North Carolina to receive a license after completion of the course enrolled and payment of the required examination fee. Please note you must meet the requirements of the state in which you are testing or reciprocating the license in order to obtain a license in that state.

Campus Security Act Information

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is committed to providing a safe educational environment which is free of violence, harassment and discrimination. Therefore, in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), along with its amendments made pursuant to the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy has adopted strict policies regarding these matters.

An Annual Security Report is published on our school’s website annually by October 1st. Each report includes policy statements and specific information regarding procedures, practices, and programs concerning safety and security. Each report also includes three years’ worth of statistics for particular types of crimes that occurred on campus and on public property on or immediately adjacent to the campus. By October 1st of each year, all faculty, staff, and students receive an official campus notification regarding the content and availability of the Annual Security Report. The notification provides information regarding how to access the report as well as a direct link to the report. These reports are available online at

If you would like to receive the Annual Security Report and relevant documents, you can request a paper copy from our Administrative Office or have a copy mailed to you by calling (857) 891-3550.

In accordance with the Crime and Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy collects crime statistics as the basis for employees and applicants for enrollment or employment. Campus is defined as “any building or property” owned or controlled by Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy within the same contiguous area used by the school in direct support or related to its educational purposes.

Any emergency or criminal actions noted by students or staff should be reported directly to the administrative staff. The Director will take whatever action (medical or legal) deemed necessary. A staff member checks the building for security each evening upon dismissal. All emergency and fire prevention equipment are kept in working order. Please familiarize yourself with the location of this equipment.

Drug Prevention Policy

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy is committed to maintaining an alcohol & drug-free environment for its students and employees in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws. It is the policy of Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy that the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages on campus are prohibited, without regard to an individual’s age. Similarly, the possession, use, and sale of illegal drugs are prohibited. Any underage drinking or drug offense coming to the attention of the institution will be reported to the local police. The institution’s full drug and alcohol abuse policy and literacy in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 are distributed at least annually to each student and employee. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy adheres to all state and federal drug laws. Students or employees who violate federal, state, or local laws concerning drugs or alcohol are subject to criminal prosecution; those who violate our policies may also be subject to institutional sanctions or dismissal and, possibly, referral for prosecution.

This policy applies to all employees, job applicants, current students, and current student applicants. The term employee includes contracted employees. As a condition of employment, employees are required to abide by this policy. As a condition of enrollment or continued enrollment, students are required to abide by this policy.

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will review the Drug Prevention Policy annually to determine its effectiveness and to ensure its sanctions are being enforced. If changes are necessary, faculty will be notified at the next faculty meeting. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will distribute annually to students, faculty and staff information concerning drug and alcohol abuse and Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy’s Drug Prevention Policy & Program.

As a part of this annual review, Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will determine a) the number of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities that occur on the school’s campus or as part of any of the school’s activities and that are reported to campus officials; b) the number and type of sanctions that are imposed by the school as a result of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities on the school’s campus or as part of any of the school’s activities. Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy will make available upon request the results of the review as well as the data and methods supporting its conclusions.

Contact Information/Resources

Uplift Barber and Beauty Academy

123 Main Street, Asheville, NC 28801

(857) 891-3550

National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS)

3015 Colvin Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

(703) 600-7600